"I Choose to Live My True Nature & Purpose"

Vibrational healing integrates aspects of the Soul Self that limit & hinder your current life. Covering all aspects of the human energy field including the chakral, etheric & lightbody systems. Sessions include clearing, aligning & calibrating to implement harmony & balance.

A Diamond Light Healing can heal emotional wounds, improve relationships, clear recurring physical ailments, change dysfunctional habits, stop self-sabotage, detach from toxic people or situations, regain emotional balance, reclaim self-worth, improve your outlook on life, correct your perceptions to heal your reality, improve your quality of life, upgrade your mindset, clear limiting subconscious patterns, achieve goals, discover your purpose/passion, become empowered in all your endeavours, experience peace, harmony and balance in all areas of life, connect with your Soul's essence.


Experience a lightness of being with an energetic cleanse. Gentle & effective clearing of stale & compromised energies within the Auric field. Great for reclaiming your focus, peace & vitality. May assist with sleeping issues, restlessness, mind chatter, lack of concentration, indecisiveness, fatigue.


Unify your energies with energetic healing. Heal the wounding from past experiences in this and past lives. Recover the fragmented parts of self-left behind in moments of trauma. Experience your true Self free from emotional limitations. May assist with physical pain, emotional disharmony, dysfunctional patterns/behaviours physical, emotional & spiritual pain and dis-ease with a range of modalities including Intuitive energy work, Reiki, NLP and Colour Therapies.

Carol intuitively repairs, restores and replenishes your Energy Bodies and Chakras to alleviate

stress, pain and emotional disharmony.


Connect to your Soul's signature vibration with an energetic attunement. Access all your power, knowledge & skills to create your heaven on Earth. Embody your true essence with ease & grace. May assist with life direction, motivation, purpose, creative endeavors, fulfilling goals, connecting to your Soul purpose & mission

Tailored to your level of awareness and understanding.

Intuitively personalised insight is utilised in all healing sessions so energetic shifts can be facilitated with ease and grace.

The return to balance is gentle, yet deeply profound and felt at the deepest level of being.

When your energy signature is reset, your Soul's essence is able to return to its true expression and purpose.

Sessions may include chakra balance, etheric body calibration, past life integration, inner child healing, soul retrieval, timeline therapy, emotional healing.

Available in person or online

Ask about the Transformation package and save $$$

GIFT Vouchers Available


FREE phone/zoom session to gain clarity about your current needs & how I may be of service.

No obligation, confidential, risk-free.

Disclaimer: Energy healing and related services are to be regarded as a complement to traditional medicine

and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

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Phone: +61 0427106009

Email: support@diamond-light.com

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