"I Choose to Live My True Nature & Purpose"

Quantum Coaching involves accessing and communicating with your Super-conscious, that aspect of you where all possibilities exist.

The Recode is a revolutionary process used to detach you from all that hinders,

detracts or compromises your efforts to create your desired reality.

With this process, all aspects of Self are able to be healed of any perceived wounding and unified with the main personality.

Once your creative expression is free of fear, doubt, limiting perceptions and programming, you become the empowered creator of your reality.

From a state of unity consciousness, you are then free to experience life by choice and not circumstance,

equipped to create the life you love.

If you are looking for Success in any area of Your life then this is for you.

The human mind is like a holographic master computer. It runs on programs, creates & stores files, has visual/ graphic capabilities & is able to communicate, process and manifest electromagnetic frequencies. It requires regular clearing of corrupt/invalid files and updates. It is also susceptible to viruses & outside influences that compromise its efficiency and potential.

By becoming aware of the programs and applications in place, you are better able to define the effect & control they have over your manifested reality.

In reclaiming & re-establishing your focus you can then become the master of your intent, & therefore the master creator of your reality.

All services provided are aimed at helping you to clear, maintain and upgrade your system as needed.


Release - "This is where we delete corrupt/invalid programs."

Recode - "Here we upgrade with new apps and software”.

Reset - "Lastly we reboot the system & resume operations"

Coaching sessions are available in person or online as single sessions or packages.

The 6-week Emotional Reset package is available for those ready to

Transform and Create a Life They Love.

Book a call for further information.

Afterpay available


FREE phone/zoom session to gain clarity about your current needs & how I can be of service.

No obligation, confidential, risk-free.

Disclaimer: Energy healing and related services are to be regarded as a complement to traditional medicine

and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

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Email: support@diamond-light.com

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