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Carol Aravena B.Msc.

Intuitive Quantum Healer, Soul/Energy Coach, Magnetic Mind Coach, Neuro Transformation Therapist, NES Health Practitioner, Reiki Master, NLP Practitioner, Sacred Rainbow Colour Therapist


B.Soc.Sc.Psy, Dip. Hyp, Psy, Counselling,

Carol is an honest, caring person who has a natural way of counselling clients and a formidable deep understanding of what a client needs to know, and is able to facilitate the path to recovery with ease.

M. Bennett-Wood

When Carol gave me my first treatment it had a great impact on me... When I left the results were apparent straight away, I felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The second time I had a treatment, I had the feeling of total peace within myself, I was on cloud nine for hours. I believe that Carol is very talented in the art of healing, and I will definitely be recommending her to all my friends who have emotional and spiritual problems.

Disclaimer: Energy healing and related services are to be regarded as a complement to traditional medicine

and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

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